Arriving at a final contract that is fair and equitable to ownership and contractors requires transparency and clarity on issues that can emerge as cost drivers. It’s not uncommon for construction professionals to call for additional definition about specifications, drawings, and legal documents before, during, and after the construction phase is underway. These reconsidered aspects of the project require addenda to be issued and added to the legally-binding agreement. But before they can be finalized, a tender addendum management professional must scrutinize them.
At TruEst Quantity Surveyors, we deliver tender management services for our clients in the Ontario construction sector that ensure costs and expectations are clear and transparent. Appropriate and accurate tender addendum management avoids misunderstandings and legal disputes between key stakeholders. These are common, problematic issues that can be avoided by working with our tender addendum management team.
Incomplete Bids
Contractors must receive all pertinent documents, itemized pricing, and bonding requirements, among other common addendum requests to make a concise bid. Our thorough services coordinate information that could fall through the cracks and raise unnecessary controversy. This often occurs when the receipt of addenda is not secured and filed.
Flawed Addenda
It’s crucial that responses for clarification use tried-and-true methods to calculate cost-related issues. Even a simple error in math can result in a dispute between the parties. Effective tender addendum management means double-checking for accuracy.
Untimely Addendums
When addendums are issued late in the tender process or construction phase, the necessity of bringing all parties up to speed is crucial. Without professional oversight and management, communication breakdowns may occur and result in unwelcome and potentially contentious surprises.
Reliable Tender Management Services for Ontario Construction Projects
At TruEst Quantity Surveyors, our expertise in tender management services has earned a reputation for exceeding industry standards. As a team of
quantity surveying services professionals that oversee tender addendum management in the construction sector, we provide insightful leadership, on-time analysis, and remain vigilant in our efforts to communicate with key stakeholders.
If you are considering a project, contact our London, Ontario, office and schedule a tender management services consultation.